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Day 8 of Prayer

Daily Scripture

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:1-4

Daily Devotional

Today a new President is chosen for the United States. I wrote an article in response to social media several months ago titled Christians, Politics, and Social Media. It's obvious by the feel and tone of posts I see that people have many polarized feelings and opinions about the election: who should or shouldn't be President, who is or isn't qualified to be in office, and perhaps if we should even have a President in the first place. Many of the feelings and fears people have come from real concerns that are okay to have.

However, today is not to convince you to vote or not to vote for either party, but to rather take a closer look at Paul's charge to Timothy and how we might learn from it. Paul urges Timothy to pray in all kinds of ways for all people, then he makes it a point to specifically include "kings and all who are in high positions." This is not an easy thing to do. How often should we pray for people in high positions? How often should we pray for the ruler(s) of our country, or for the rulers of another country? While I can't tell you the frequency of which you should pray these prayers, I can strongly suggest that you devote special time during this period of transition in the United States to pray for the current President, the next President, and all those in office and in the military that serve during her or his term.

While the Presidential candidates may not encompass your ideal political figure, the next President will have, for at least four years, a tremendous impact on countless freedoms and policies within and outside of the United States. The President doesn't have to be who you voted for, and they don't have to believe exactly what you believe, but it is good and pleasing to God for anyone who claims to be a Christian to pray for them anyway.

Daily Challenge

Pray for the next President and those leading our country alongside him/her.

Pray for their salvation.

Pray that they make decisions with the help of God.

Pray that they lead our country in a way that continues to allow the religious freedom that's been in effect for so many years.

Pray that they don't pass any laws that would make being a Christian in the United States dangerous (as it is in some areas of the world already).

Pray that this period of nationwide, intense emotions can be an opportunity for you, a Christian, to lead a peaceful life and to shine brightly in a dark world.

Pray for all other countries around the world and for God to be glorified.

Pray for foreign leaders of foreign nations, and the Christians in the nations, that God can be glorified regardless of the political state of the nation.

Pray that this Presidential term leads more people to Christ.

Please also consider reading Daniel 9, paying close attention to Daniel's attitude, and his prayer for the entire nation. Consider praying through it.

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