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Welcome to the newest series, 30 Days of Prayer.


In this 30-day transformation, we'll walk through the Bible and visit the many instances that prayer was used as a means to deeply connect with the Creator, wage war against the evils of the dark realms, seek and determine the will of God, encourage others and be encouraged, and for growing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is God's gift to us that allows us to rely on His strength that surpasses anything and everything we are capable of accomplishing otherwise. It's our connection with the Almighty.


The purpose of this series is to:


1. Provide a short scripture each day regarding prayer that will inspire the reader to tap into the most powerful weapon we have as Christians.


2. After the passage, I will provide my own insight for helping to briefly exegete the passage. 

3. Most importantly, every day will have a specific prayer challenge. Challenges will be practical, and will always revolve around praying. Having a 30-Day series about prayer that doesn't include praying would be counter-productive, and likely not useful.


Please consider joining me on this journey to spiritual formation through a strengthened prayer life.

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